Monday, 05 February 2024
  4 Replies
  2.2K Visits
I found the air relief valves, but can't find the pressure relief valves - Where are they in the irrigation equipment selector? We use both when designing long mainline runs.
Steve Cook set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago
The equipment types we offer with manufacturer specifics would be in Pressure Reducing Valves, but I know those are different, so you would probably be adding these types of equipment in the "Other" category within Axillary Equipment. If you have additional specs you would like to share with us, we can see what it would take to get into the system as a new category.
Please see the attached and let me know what you think. It seems like it should have it's own category. Doesn't it? I mean if one is doing small residences, it won't be used, but we're using them in a lot of streetscape and large development and revegetation projects now. Anything with the potential for significant surge. Whenever using an ARV (I don\t mean drip ARV), we use a PRV (release not reducing).

I'm interested and always value your opinion..
Most definitely. If you could, please send in a tech support ticket requesting this particular equipment and I can get it in the lineup. For now, you are welcome to add under Custom, and accomplish that way.
This discussion seems interesting.


Our practice in large projects is to use an Combination AIR relief Vacuum/release valve in the high points along the mainline run.
and a pressure reducing valve in the pump room..

I remember that when I used to choose the Pressure reducing valve from the irrigation manager some manufacturer list the pressure relief valve , you may check Netafim(They have Quick relief valve. Not sure if this is the same you are looking for).

I would like to ask please about the difference between the pressure reducing valve and the pressure relief valve and there is pressure regulating valve In term of dealing with surge.

In our projects , we are always asked about surge protection, and we are considering the ARV and pressure reducing valve one of the potential practices.

Am happy to hear your experience toward improving practice in our future projects.

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