Monday, 08 May 2023
  6 Replies
  2.7K Visits
We currently have in the realm of 200 projects on our project list. Is it a good practice to backup/archive projects that are no longer active or have been completed? Should this be done? If so, what are the best practices for doing this? Will it then be possible to restore the project should it come back to life?
Accepted Answer
The drag-and-drop functionality can be a be sensitive, and certain mice can exacerbate it.
The trick is to be careful to not move the mouse even a single pixel between clicking the button and releasing it.

Franco, there's no built in method to mass-archive like Jer said, but the fastest method right now would still be marking them read only from the Portal, but that requires your projects to be cloud data. You still can't mass-archive them but it's far fewer clicks to archive them than in the Project List in CAD. However, your office is Local Data, so the Project List is your only method.

On the other hand, if you want to take this opportunity to switch from Local Data to cloud data you can (for free, it's included already for everybody) and get all the additional benefits like full 3D plugin access, very reliable backups through us and you still get local backups, more remote work possibilities, and easier technical support from us then now would be a good time. Part of the process is backing up all projects and preference sets and then mass-uploading them to cloud data. It takes under 30min and you could just not upload all those projects you want to archive while still having that backup of them that you just made to restore later if needed. That would be like mass-archiving and as much time if not less than individually archiving all the projects.

Here's more information on cloud data, switching steps, and the portal.

Cloud Data Overview
Cloud Data vs. Local Data (Database Installation)
Switch to Cloud: Video at the top

How to Use the Land F/X Portal

There is not currently. Although that's a great idea for the Portal.

1 year ago
Is there a way to make multiple projects read-only at one time?
Clay Munson selected the reply #5081 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
Accepted Answer
The drag-and-drop functionality can be a be sensitive, and certain mice can exacerbate it.
The trick is to be careful to not move the mouse even a single pixel between clicking the button and releasing it.

OK Thanks. We've only recently started using the organization tab. I think the Read Only is probably the best route to take as it will place everything under a category that can be minimize.


On another note: I have issues where when I click the "-" sign on the organization tab it thinks I am trying to move the project. Is this just user error?

You have a few options.
From the Backup button in the Projects dialog, you can simply make the project Read-Only. This will back it up, remove it from the project list, and prevent any changes to it. Yet it will still remain in the database, so that you can import items from it, reopen its files, and so on. Should you need to bring it back to read/write status, simply click the Restore button to do so.
Old projects that don't need to be available to import items or ever open old files, can be deleted if desired.
Alternately you can use the Organization tab of the Projects dialog, so that your organization of projects makes it so that it just doesn't get in your way. For instance by organizing projects by client, type, year, etc, so that all previous projects are there, just not in your way.

Clay Munson set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago
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