Wednesday, 12 July 2023
  1 Replies
  2K Visits
I know that I asked this before (years ago), but maybe it was before we moved to this forum.

We need the search capability for the Project List. I know that earlier you mentioned that it would necessitate a complete rework of the program code. I understand that it is not a spreadsheet, rather a MySQL data base. I'll admit, I have no experience with any code related to MySQL, but since our office is now working with so many different offices, we need to be able to search the projects by name (best) or even partial name (second best), or even partial numbers (barely better than the numerical list that we have). The partial number search would be so that we could search such as the following *.I comared to *.S where the I and S represent separate offices. Better yet, adding an additional column to represent a second identifier such as Irv or Sac representing Irvine or Sacramento for instance. Too outside of the box?

Some offices are considering merging Support ID's so that we can more effectively work together using the same cloud data without maintaining multiple unnecessary licenses. In order to do this effectively, we need to be able to filter through the active projects.

What we would prefer is to maintain our separate support ID's but be able to access each other's project lists EASILY. Given permission of course.

Are either one of these options happening soon Jer?

By the way... I know that this is complicated.
Steve Cook set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago

It's not that complicated, it will actually take the most time just making the design changes to the dialog box.
Note that in the meantime, you can click on the Project Name header, to sort the project list by Name. And of course in the Project Organization tab, you can organize projects by office, to make it much easier to find a project.
But we do still need to add a search capability to the project list, that should be able to get done this year.

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