Thursday, 01 June 2017
  7 Replies
  4.4K Visits
I've set up title block variables as field attributes within a block and inserted the block in my sheet layouts. When I open the Project Manager, the Sheet Index properly recognizes the sheet number and creates a sheet with the number supplied by the attribute via the Sheet Set Manager. However, when I change the sheet number via the Sheet Set Manager the Project Manager creates a new sheet with the new number and does not erase the old sheet with the old number. Associating the sheet with the layout does not affect the behavior.
Accepted Answer

Correct. We are currently unable to process a SheetSet number change, as all we have access to is that title block attribute -- we would need an additional attribute of Previous Sheet Number or something like that, to be able to know what had changed to what. Alternately, we could flag the Land F/X sheet as coming from the SheetSet, which is just something we don't do currently. The main reason we haven't implemented anything like this already, is because not everybody uses SheetSets the correct way like you are. So we still have to be compatible with a random Field object placed onto a layout, which can misfire in a number of ways.
That all being said, there's no reason the system should be punishing you for doing everything correctly! I'll get this on the wishlist, to have sheets in this case get renamed.

I agree... sounds like something that everyone could find something new to add to their workflow.

Michael, Sounds like we're mirroring each others workflow. Unfortunately, I don't have a very good grasp on how the two management systems work together. I would definitely like a webinar or a hot tip if it could be covered effectively in that swift format.
6 years ago
Amanda, I'd be willing to help as well. We use the SSM to organize packages, name sheets (using fields in layouts), number sheets (using fields in layouts), modify submittal date in multiple locations (using fields in layouts), batch plot, automate matchline text, and generate the sheet index. Prior to LFX, we used it to manage our details using sheet and model views in combination with view label tags, fields and attributes to create automated detail sheet/number references. We've used it in other ways as well. Basically, it holds a ton of project information which we can then pull with fields, so the possibilities are wide-ranging. The ability to add custom properties expands that even further. Land F/X replaced much of what we used the SSM for, but not all of it. The SSM is still an important tool for every project we do, so it would be great if they talked to each other a little better, at least in the area of sheet naming/numbering. We currently add sheets to Land F/X as well as the SSM, which requires us to name and number the sheets in both tools. The way the tools work seems identical, so there's an opportunity to link the two and eliminate the redundancy and error opportunity.
Yes, it's something I've had on my list for a potential topic. I'll look into seeing a good time to schedule it out.
I'll probably contact you and Seaweed to review how you're currently using it to see what I'd need to cover and how best to cover it.

Thanks for the reminder on this idea.

So to tag onto an old thread. What about a webinar on how to use sheet set manager in away that works correctly with the project manager? I would like to think I am doing things correctly but I also know there are features that available that I am currently missing out on. :D


We, like you, use the sheet set manager with the fields. We don't just use it for title block information, we use it for our sheet index on the title sheet, all of our match lines, and whenever it makes sense. I've found that people just don't know how to effectively use fields. Once you show them, they're converts. I mean, why wouldn't you use fields to make things more efficient and to reduce the chance of human error? So, we just need to share the knowledge.

Accepted Answer

Correct. We are currently unable to process a SheetSet number change, as all we have access to is that title block attribute -- we would need an additional attribute of Previous Sheet Number or something like that, to be able to know what had changed to what. Alternately, we could flag the Land F/X sheet as coming from the SheetSet, which is just something we don't do currently. The main reason we haven't implemented anything like this already, is because not everybody uses SheetSets the correct way like you are. So we still have to be compatible with a random Field object placed onto a layout, which can misfire in a number of ways.
That all being said, there's no reason the system should be punishing you for doing everything correctly! I'll get this on the wishlist, to have sheets in this case get renamed.

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