Monday, 09 July 2018
  2 Replies
  3.5K Visits
the R-VAN series nozzles are showing up with correct label for the symbol but in the description it lumps all into the R-VAN 14. see attached. Is something on my end or is this an issue with the downloaded blocks and description.
6 years ago
Accepted Answer
Alright guys, we did some reorganizing on how the heads are grouped when running the schedules and all is realigned. To see the changes, you will just need to add a fresh instance of the RVAN equipment to your project and the system will download the new schedule blocks when running another schedule. If you have any further issues with this, feel free to submit a tech support ticket and we can help get you straightened out that way.
I noticed this, too.
6 years ago
Accepted Answer
Alright guys, we did some reorganizing on how the heads are grouped when running the schedules and all is realigned. To see the changes, you will just need to add a fresh instance of the RVAN equipment to your project and the system will download the new schedule blocks when running another schedule. If you have any further issues with this, feel free to submit a tech support ticket and we can help get you straightened out that way.
6 years ago
Thank you Jake!
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