Thursday, 11 April 2024
  3 Replies
  2K Visits
I typically use the table format for my reference note schedules. Is it possible to have the empty cells automatically filled with "N/A" or a "-"or something?
Clay Munson set the type of the post as  Issue — 11 months ago

I've seen many RefNote projects where user will put either a dash or "N/A" into each field to accomplish this. Interesting idea to do it automatically. In the RefNote Schedule dialog, where the User Field options are All/Used/None, we could add a checkbox under All, something to the effect of "Fill empty values".

Right now I manually place a text "N/A" in each box. But if I regen the schedule and it changes size I then have to move every each one. If there was an autofill dash it would make things much easier.
We had this same issue. With Details too. This is a simple solution that @Amanda Marin shared with me years ago (Thanks Amanda) that works for both Details and Ref Notes.

Create a detail. Save it as Non-applicable in a new folder in your LandFX details folder. All that's in the detail is a template titled NON-APPLICABLE.
Open and save a drawing as NON-APPLICABLE.
Add that drawing to the Project Manager. Call the sheet "A"
Insert the NON-APPLICABLE detail to the sheet A. When asked to place it as number 1. reject and call it "N".
At this point, you have a detail called "N" on a sheet called "A".
Now when you have any Details or Ref Notes that don't have details to show, you can assign the detail "N" on Sheet A".
When you run a schedule all of those elements will have their columns automatically populated with N/A.

Ta da!;)
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