Monday, 28 March 2016
  2 Replies
  4.1K Visits

I am placing refnotes in my drawing and some are coming in at different scales. Is there a way to stop this?
8 years ago
Yes it was the preference set change. Thanks.
When you place a RefNote, the system looks in the Preferences for the size of the "Callout Title" font, and then creates the text of the note, "L-12" or "L-18" in this case. Once it then sees the size of the text, it draws the bubble accordingly.
As such, if the "Callout Title" font is edited to a different size, or you switch to a different Preference Set, then the next bubble can come in at a different size.

From the screenshot, the text size change looks very slight, perhaps 13pt in on, and 12.5pt in the other.

If you still aren't able to track down the culprit, you can use the Tech Support button in the software to send in the drawing, and we can try to diagnose it further.

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