Wednesday, 04 September 2019
  6 Replies
  4.2K Visits

The text on my callouts and items like the POC comes in with a background mask now.  Sometimes that's superb, but there are other times when I'd like to remove that mask.  I've discovered I can one at a time double click, ..., edit the text formatting to check the background mask box, apply, and then uncheck it and the masking will go away.  Is there an easier/better/correct way to do it?




Accepted Answer



For blocks like that, that would be the way to do it.  It certainly seems that we could make a little helper function to do that automatically though.

But I'd rather address the real issue here -- there is something really wrong with the mask in that image, it is way too wide!  If the mask was correctly the size of the text, I don't think it would be any issue, and would simply make the plan clearer.

If you send in that drawing, we can see why the mask is so large.



Accepted Answer



For blocks like that, that would be the way to do it.  It certainly seems that we could make a little helper function to do that automatically though.

But I'd rather address the real issue here -- there is something really wrong with the mask in that image, it is way too wide!  If the mask was correctly the size of the text, I don't think it would be any issue, and would simply make the plan clearer.

If you send in that drawing, we can see why the mask is so large.




I LOVE it. It's one of the best new things that make the biggest difference on the actual plans. Thanks so much!

2 years ago
Jeremiah -
Did LandFX ever create a helper function to disable the text mask when needed? Like others said, I love the auto masking but when using color hatching for renderings, I'd rather not have the mask. A helper function would definitely be a lot less work especially when looking at 50+ labels!

Thanks in advance.

No, we never did.
It certainly has not appeared to be a highly desired tool.
It should be fast enough with vanilla CAD commands - Select a label, Right Click to Select Similar, and then set Background Mask to No.

2 years ago
Jeremiah -

Thanks for the speedy reply. That would work with mtext but because it's a block with attributes, enhanced attribute editor will not allow me to select more than one label "block". Maybe there's some other way?


Go ahead and send in an example drawing through our Tech Support feature so I can see what can be done.

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