Monday, 11 April 2022
  3 Replies
  2.1K Visits
Maybe I missed this within one of the videos or the Knowledge Base, but is there anyway to get a runtime summary to work for individual zones? I've tried using Work Areas but when the dialog box comes up for the Runtime Schedule there's no option to select a work area.

Any help is appreciated.

I will also add that I'm using a VIH system with a single POC. I'm able to get runtimes for each zone if I go through and open/ close only the zones I want to run, re-run the mainline sizing, and then produce a schedule. Just a very time consuming process.

When you change from setting the valves from by Type to Individually, it should retain the previous setting. But there's not a way to select multiple valves. We are hoping to add this capability when we freshen the dialog box later this year.
The dialog does attempt to remember previous settings when you are switching and creating programs, to make it easier to create similar Monday/Wednesday/Friday programs, for instance.

2 years ago
Thanks J. That worked out great.

Is there also a way to batch select the valves to assign the in./ day, cycle/ soak times? The design I'm working on now has well over 300 heads and 17 ish zones and it has been very labor intensive to set each individual head to the correct in./ day and cycle/ soak time. I've got some projects coming up that will be 1000 valves or more and being able to select multiple valves and assign rates and times would be great. Just thought that would be a nice feature to have, in case it doesn't already exist.

I'm also running into a secondary issue when I create a new program where it randomly carries over the in./ day and cycle/ soak times from previous programs. Is that the way it's supposed to work or is it user error on my part? To clarify, it copies the selected program when I hit the "new" button but also copies over data from previous programs. I've been able to get it to only copy the selected program if I run the summary twice for the selected program before I hit "new."

Hopefully that makes sense.

In order to assign individual valves, all valves need to be called out. Once they are all labeled, the checkbox will be enabled.

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