Monday, 30 November 2020
  2 Replies
  2.9K Visits

Our office standard is to graphically screen back (greyscale) existing irrigation equipment symbols (meter, backflow, valves.etc.) that will remain connected to a system in order to differentiate them from new/proposed equipment. New equipment is then represented with the standard full burn symbology.

As LandFX has a single default symbol for Auxiliary equipment (Meter, backflow, etc.) is there a way to insert an alternative screened version of these auxiliary item symbols to represent existing equipment using LandFX (smart) blocks?   

Similarly, we would like the capability of representing existing valves (RCV, QC, Zone COntrol Kits) with a grey version of the corresponding symbol to differentiate them from proposed valves. Can this be done?


Thank you, 

4 years ago


Those are great questions. In short, yes, you should be able to get the look you are after.

For the POC or water source look, you will need to utilize multiple of the 3 options given for the water source so you can manipulate the different blocks appropriately. You can add NEW POC and pick, say, the Custom POC option which would allow you to even put a description that this source is existing. We will be working on expanding the Source Data dialog to make this even more flexible, but it's still in the works.

For the other types of equipment, you have full range of adding whatever symbol you would like to the system, so you can assign it to any given piece of equipment. Please see our Irrigation symbols documentation for the general rules to follow so the system can see the blocks you add to the system.

For further help, feel free to give us a call or submit a tech support ticket so we can discuss with you on any questions you have.

Our Irrigation Symbols

Editing Our Default Irrigation Symbols

How to Submit a Technical Support Ticket



I would also add, that you can simply place the existing equipment in the xref, to easily halftone the layers.  Unless you are needing to connect to the existing system to perform the calculations, you can simply place whatever you want in the xref, not even needing to be Land F/X objects.  Further, for the cases where you do need to connect to existing equipment with these needs of symbol customization, you can simply set the scale of the existing blocks very, very tiny, and then manually place whatever desired symbol on top of it.



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