Monday, 25 July 2016
  6 Replies
  5.1K Visits
Fellow LandFXers,
We're analyzing an existing irrigation system. We will be drafting (in LandFX) all of the existing irrigation equipment, but wanted to avoid locating all of the heads too. Our drafting would just go to the valves. I was hoping to use the Schematic Irrigation portion of LandFX to set these areas to a specific design flow, but that’s not an option. Can anyone suggest what we can use to specify a specific flow at the various valves?
Thanks in advance. - - Seaweed
8 years ago
Accepted Answer
Correct. Think of it this way: A cap is placed in the drawing as a set of demands, whether for mainline or for a specific valve. It does not act like a POC (giving what's available).

If you need to size anything mainline related, use another POC and make it a Custom POC at that.

I will let you in on a little secret... we are working on a cap that will fill itself out based on where you put in in the line. Basically telling you what is going to be available at that given point in the line. That's all I can say, but it's gonna be really neat-o!
I like neat-o! Thanks Jake! Have a great one!:D
8 years ago
Accepted Answer
Correct. Think of it this way: A cap is placed in the drawing as a set of demands, whether for mainline or for a specific valve. It does not act like a POC (giving what's available).

If you need to size anything mainline related, use another POC and make it a Custom POC at that.

I will let you in on a little secret... we are working on a cap that will fill itself out based on where you put in in the line. Basically telling you what is going to be available at that given point in the line. That's all I can say, but it's gonna be really neat-o!
Nice link. I misunderstood the reason to have a "connect to existing" cap. I thought that it could be used as a POC. Now I understand that it's for future phased planning. We don't connect to it. It's really a cap at the end of our mainline so that if demands are higher in the future phases, the pipe size and pressure calculations can be run. When it comes time to design the future phase, we erase the cap in insert a new POC.
KEY THOUGHT: One can't connect downstream of any cap and expect to size mainline. Do I have it right now?
8 years ago
No worries, it happens to the best of us! ;)

I have provided a link on how the Caps work in your drawing. Look through there and see if it makes sense for what you are asking. Basically you can use a cap on either the mainline or a lateral line, it does not matter. So, if you are getting a message saying that there is no source found when sizing the mainline, you must not have put in your water source yet.

Feel free to send in the drawing and we can take a look if you are still having troubles.
Oh no. I can't believe that I forgot that. It works like a charm! I have another question now. If I use the connect to existing cap, how do I size the mainline that connects to the cap? It states that there is no source found.
8 years ago
A cap seems to be an ideal use for what you are trying to do. Take a look at the following Power Tip and see if this is what you are looking to accomplish!
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