Wednesday, 30 August 2017
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With the new shortcut keys I plotted them out for reference and have included that PDF below. I was wondering if we could be able to define the keys ourselves, or changes to these keys.

Something I notice is that each finger (with the exception of your left ring finger) has to remember multiple functions. Also, the top row (TAB, Q, W, E, R) is five keys, and you only have four fingers to cover that, which is a bit awkward.

Your pinky has to remember that it changes the nozzle radius with Q, and then also reduces the radius by a percentage with A. The middle finger does the same, change nozzle radius and then increase nozzle radius.

Is it possible to make all the fingers like the left ring finger? This one only has to remember that it maximizes or minimizes the radius.

I've attached a PDF that (to me) makes more sense because it reduces the thinking your finger has to do, and keeps all the functions vertical. You keep your four fingers together and just have to vary them on which row, and sets the TAB key for functions that you use less often. I know from other programs, the less I can move my hand and keep functions grouped together the better I am. All of my CAD alias keys are on my left hand. I have thirty different commands mapped to those twelve keys, to keep from moving my hand around.

Just thinking outside the box.


I can't see how to remove attachedments, but there are the Proposed Layout, Current Layout, then a Combined PDF of both to see the differences.

Actually, yes, the keyboard commands for placing heads was engineered to allow customizing the keys.
Although it is buried in with the language files, as it was assumed this would only be necessary for foreign language keyboard layouts.
I suppose in addition to the interface for customizing the keys, there would also need to be the ability to import an image such as your mockup, to replace the dialog box that is displayed when you press K (or its replacement).
Note that we were also planning on having keys 1-9 access the various models, thus able to jump between Turf/Shrub Spray, or among all Rotor models.

I will get this on list for the few irrigation items remaining in November.

7 years ago

That would be great, I appreciate it! If needed, I have the CAD of the image I posted if you wanted something for reference.

7 years ago
I was wondering if this has been included in any of the updates.

Thank you,


Not yet, although as we were adding the additional keyboard commands, we marked up the code in preparation for this.
I did re-read your original post and realized I forgot to mention something -- the keyboard commands are using the standard "Gamer" configuration, assuming you are resting your Index, Middle, and Ring fingers on D, S, and A, respectively. Basically, shift your hand over one key. We also recommend finding a fun game to help learn the layout (as much fun as Land F/X is, shooting Nazis or driving a monster truck are way more satisfying).
But we do still have this in the plan.

6 years ago
Wanted to check in and see if this had been considered for inclusion?


One thing that we have done, is to create the game-like utility DRIVE to help to learn the keyboard commands, and proper left hand placement.
We've also updated the documentation and created multiple videos showing the best utilization of the keyboard commands, like this recent Power Tip video:

6 years ago
I've seen DRIVE, it is helpful, but that doesn't address my original inquiry. Being able to assign the different functions to keys (within reason) will lead to users being more productive because the key commands are intuitive to them. Just like AutoCAD has the ability to create custom aliases for commands, I see this being the LandF/X version of that. Nearly all of my most uses AutoCAD commands reside on my left hand in two or three letter aliases because it is much faster than using the native AutoCAD aliases.

I get a bit of the sense that because you are the software designer the ONLY way to do the key commands is your way, and your way must be the best and only way in existence. Open your mind to understanding that people think differently and might come up with something that is more efficient for them, or more efficient for others.


The fact that we have not engineered a method of customizing the keyboard keys has nothing to with whether or not we are closed off to how others think. It is a matter of having a large amount of documentation and training videos, all consistently providing the correct information. And then that, counted against the engineering time required to complete a task, and what the payoff would be in terms of net benefit to the community of users.
We absolutely have to engineer a method of alternate keyboard layouts, in order to support non-English keyboard arrangements. So this is something that is definitely on our radar. How this will be engineered, and how user-customizable it is, is to be determined.
In the meantime, I have been trying to make sure that you are appreciating the tool for how it has been designed. We made a great amount of changes to how heads are laid out, directly due to your input. To now accuse me of not being open to your suggestions is not just inaccurate, it's rude.

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