Monday, 13 March 2023
  4 Replies
  2.2K Visits
I love using the shotgun mode to place groups of plants. However, I wish there was a way to change which plant serves as the base point. EX: when placing 10 plants the base is typically on one of the end plants.


Have you tried using the A/D keys to rotate the plant group?

yes. I've tried that. Doesn't quite offer the same options.

Do you have a suggestion of how to toggle the base plant?
I mentioned A/D as that what we have currently, and adding the ability to Flip the plants horizontally or vertically should cover all the bases. Or did you want to cycle through all plants in the shotgun group to a specific one, or what?

My thought would be another key combo. So, it would be possible to hit the # key repeatedly to select the formation and then a "Z/C" or whatever to move the "basepoint / insertion point" to cycle through each plant in the formation.
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