Tuesday, 12 June 2018
  1 Replies
  4.2K Visits
I have a client that has a Reference note / Finish schedule that they like which is just a simple number in a circle, no ref or categories (see attached schedule) I can do the number and circle as the "basic" ref note, however I am not able to add any fields to the "basic" note to allow for the Manufacturer / Supplier and Comments.

Is there a way to do this or is there a way to use the categories and not display the reference letters?

Thank you in advance.
Accepted Answer

Right now, no, there isn't a way to have user fields without a refnote division number, and there's no way to not show the division in the refnote callout number.

We do have it on the wishlist to work out a solution to that issue.

For now your best option would be to continue using the expanded division code, or put those manufacturer and comments items in the RefNote Notes section. You can separate that with line breaks.

Accepted Answer

Right now, no, there isn't a way to have user fields without a refnote division number, and there's no way to not show the division in the refnote callout number.

We do have it on the wishlist to work out a solution to that issue.

For now your best option would be to continue using the expanded division code, or put those manufacturer and comments items in the RefNote Notes section. You can separate that with line breaks.

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