Monday, 05 June 2017
  4 Replies
  4.2K Visits
I stumbled upon an odd (possible) issue while adjusting the Pressure Variation while in the Size Lateral Pipes command. The default variation is 20% but I wanted to change it to 10%. Upon changing it to 10%, the Friction Loss became a negative number (-32.55 PSI). I don't know how it calculates this pressure loss but it seems to be wrong. Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Thank you in advance for any info. Anyway, adjusting the Pressure Variation to 15% corrects the issue and returns the correct friction loss (3.86 PSI). 15% variation should suffice for this project.

Irrigation Project Manager, CLIA
Glasir Design Irrigation Consulting

7 years ago
Accepted Answer
Can you make sure that you are up-to-date with your Land F/X version?

Check for updates

If you are up-to-date, we would love to see the files that you are having issues with. Please see the link below on how to submit a tech support ticket.

Submit a tech support ticket
Okay all. On Monday June 5th Luis Lugo found a bug with the sizing later lines command. The next day the LandFX wizards solve the issue for him and the following week a upgate is out and distributed to the world in the form of a hot fix. I challenge Autodesk or any other software developer to even get close to showing how much they care about their users. This is why LandFX is known for their customer support! Keep up the great work LandFX Wizards!
7 years ago
Come on Steve... That is just silly ;) You know we are solving the worlds problems. :D

Luis caught a unique little bug that we have since fixed. Luis has a temporary working solution and once Jeremiah is back from his work trip, we will push the update to all. Thanks for hanging in there Luis!
Wow, If we can generate negative friction loss, we may be able to generate water where we have none. LandFX solving the worlds problems.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
Can you make sure that you are up-to-date with your Land F/X version?

Check for updates

If you are up-to-date, we would love to see the files that you are having issues with. Please see the link below on how to submit a tech support ticket.

Submit a tech support ticket
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