Wednesday, 23 November 2016
  1 Replies
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In another post, we discussed future updates to the sketchup plugin (ability to change between blooming/non-bloom, install/mature). As clients are asking for design and presentation models more frequently, we are expanding our library and functionality.

My question - is the LFX team adopting any standards for Sketchup file naming and layer naming? are you considering using the Classifier data tags? I know the plant components have consistent names (SC=Shrub/Cactus). It appears that the vendor site furnishing components come in the vendor defined names.

We are setting some standards for file names, component names, and adding classifier tags so that we can quickly toggle components on/off, swap components, and organize our library. I'd like to be aligned with any standards LFX may be workings towards.


Timothy Starkey, RLA, APA, LEED AP BD+C
Director Landscape Architecture
4550 N. 12th Street • Phoenix, Arizona • 85014

We will be organizing our components by strict file naming, with suffixes to accomplish the multiple looks.
We haven't finalized our standards yet. As long as you stay with something consistent, you would be able to batch rename to match if necessary.

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