Thursday, 09 April 2020
  2 Replies
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Something that would be nice is as an automated function would be to trigger a question to the user "would you like to performa spelling check on this detail?" when you select save detail. We are trying get everyone to run a spell check every time they save a detail because it saves headaches down the line, but the reminded and then if you select yes it would take you into the spell checker you could make your corrections and then when you close that out it would save the detail.

Just a thought.




It feels a little intrusive as a question every time a detail is saved, so I'm thinking it might be better as a "Spellcheck" button on the Save Detail dialog box.  But even that makes me wonder when Autodesk will add a realtime spellcheck to their Mtext editor.

We have also received requests for a spellcheck capability when entering descriptions for RefNotes, Plants, and so on. I'd like the capability to be a bit standardized across the software.

We will continue to ponder this.



The Spell Check Command works great in an open detail but if you spell check a placed detail it will correct it but then revert back to the old misspelled version as soon as you update, so now we are trying to spell check every time we open or edit the detail to get any spelling errors out of the master details. Ref Note would be another great place for spell check, Plants are hard because it is based on Latin/Scientific Names and Peoples names so a dictionary for that might be hard. I am horrible at spelling and typing so I have become dependant on spell check and still miss things!


As always thank you for your time and thank you for a great product.



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