Monday, 24 June 2019
  1 Replies
  3K Visits

We've created custom block for the stream bubblers.  When placing the stream bubblers, i.e. a half nozzle, we are capable of rotating the arc.  However, the block symbol itself isn't rotating.  


Trying to figure out if the non-rotation is a LandFX default setting, or did I screw up in the making of the blocks?

5 years ago


I was able to load your symbol in and have it rotate appropriately. When you pick your symbol family set as you add the equipment to your project, make sure to select the option in the lower left corner of the symbol dialog (Rotate symbol with spray direction). This will turn the equipment into a rotating symbol family. If you are still having issues after adding a new piece of equipment while following the steps above, please give us a call and we can see what you might be doing.

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