Wednesday, 11 July 2018
  3 Replies
  3.3K Visits
I was curious why the rotary nozzle symbols (specifically the Rainbird R-VAN) are so huge? They operate in smaller areas 24' down to about 8' and the symbols are much too large.

I can scale them down in the preferences but then my Rotor symbols get tiny so then I end up having to keep changing my rotor scaling depending on which type of head I'm inserting. So either we need a separate scaling slider in preferences for Rotary Heads, smaller symbols in the database, or I guess I could edit them myself if I have to. Unless there is something I'm missing.
6 years ago
That is understandable. You can see that the Rotary symbols are smaller than the Rotor symbols. However, if you are going to continue to use a 1"=40' scale when designing smaller spaces, then you’re going to need a different pref set to govern the symbol scaling. Or of course, just make the symbols smaller, which is going to be easiest.

Screen Shot 2018-07-13 at 12.43.23 PM.png
Thanks Jake. I'll have to edit them when I get a chance. I guess personally I the symbols smaller than rotors because of some of the tight spaces they fit within, especially when working at 1:40 scale. Just like how I keep spray symbols scaled down to make room for other equipment and labels.
6 years ago

The R-VAN nozzles are sized the same as all other nozzles. The fact that they can go into smaller spaces does pose that additional question as to what should be the "right" size. Fortunately, you have full control of those source files and can edit these symbols to your liking. Once done, every time you use that equipment in a drawing, it will pull in the newly sized symbols.
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