By Clay Munson on Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Posted in Customization
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Is there a reason the Text Font Specification Point Size does correlate to the traditional 1/72" per point?

Reason for question is that some cities require text to be a specific point size (ex:12 Point) on all sheets which would be 12/72 or .1667 as opposed to LFX 0.120.

Exactly, right, points are supposed to be 1/72.
We initially had it that way and then to test, we placed a 72pt "E" with Arial in Paperspace and printed it, and compared with the same thing in Microsoft Word. Only to find, that clearly MS Word doesn't use 1/72 for a point! Shattering our entire worldview and appreciation for the legitimacy of Wikipedia articles.
So instead, at 1/100, our output matched precisely in any other platform we could find - Word, Photoshop, you name it.
I just can't say why it is that way, why all official accounts still claim points are 1/72 when every software we've ever tested uses 1/100.
But at the end of the day, we felt it was best to match MS Word, than whatever the textbook definition says.

2 years ago
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WHAT!!! My world is a lie!

Well ok then. . . . I'm going to go take a moment and collect my thoughts. *shuts door*
2 years ago
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