Monday, 21 November 2016
  6 Replies
  5.4K Visits
When I revise a detail, I click "Save Detail" in the LandFX details toolbar, enter the original detail number, click "select," click "yes" to overwrite the existing version, and "save." Every single time, I get the error message, "Error deleting previous version of this detail." As a result I have been saving details with a new number each time I revise them, which becomes chaotic in terms of file organization very quickly. Is there a setting I need to change to stop getting this error? Or am I doing it wrong?

Accepted Answer

Thanks for sending in that example.
In that file, you have a piece of text in the upper right, "24x36". That text entity was created by copying the Detail File text object. This is confusing the system as it attempts to identify the detail.
One option is of course to just delete that text entity. If it is necessary, you will need to remove the hidden Land F/X data associated with it. You can do this by typing DELETEALLXDAT and clicking on it.

Hi Katherine,

There might be something wrong on your installation, or folder permissions. I'm not able to replicate that error on my end by following the steps you mentioned.

We'll need you to call in or submit a Support Ticket so we can see what's going on there and sort it out.


When the system prompts you for a detail number, that is the primary indication of what is wrong. It should instead be asking if you wish to Overwrite, or save with a New number. So this means that it is not detecting it as an existing detail. My hunch would be that it does not have its XML data file next to the DWG? Which would mean that it is an older detail, unfortunately being saved before we implemented the separate XML data files, and hasn't been revised or visited in quite some time.
But there's an easy workaround if this is the case -- just move the detail file manually to a location outside of the Details folder, for instance to your Desktop. Then open it from there, and save it back in to its original number.

8 years ago

These unfortunately aren't old details. I am revising details I created last week. The detail files I'm working with are in the LandFX details folder, inside the projects subfolder, and the associated XML files are there as well.

However, when I save a copy of a detail onto my desktop and then go through the "save detail" process, I am able to overwrite the original file with the original detail number without an error.

Does that provide any insight into what's going on?
In that case, please send in an example of one of your detail files.
It sounds like the system is not detecting the Detail File Number within it.

8 years ago
Thank you for all your help. Here's an example.
Accepted Answer

Thanks for sending in that example.
In that file, you have a piece of text in the upper right, "24x36". That text entity was created by copying the Detail File text object. This is confusing the system as it attempts to identify the detail.
One option is of course to just delete that text entity. If it is necessary, you will need to remove the hidden Land F/X data associated with it. You can do this by typing DELETEALLXDAT and clicking on it.

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