Friday, 07 June 2019
  1 Replies
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I tried with sizing all laterals but next message keeps popping out "Unsizeable valve encontered...erroring out" How do i size these laterals and how do i find this valve to fix it?

It seems that the problem is with drip area valves, I have several of them. I have removed pipes lower than 25mm in diameter from the project pipe data list and due to low flow with drip irrigation it seems it cant keep adequate velocity? For pop ups we never use laterals below 25mm but for drip I should make new pipe selection (in pipe data) and add 20 and 16mm? 

More over I cant get anything in runtime schedule- report. it seems it doesnt work at all, or it appears empty. Does this sizeing has to do anything with runtime report ? i get the report without any data...

I would say that the critical analysis has to do much more with lateral sizeing than runtimes...Runtimes are precipitation crossed with number of valves, flow and needed water, it should work without any sizes of the laterals :)

Thank you



5 years ago
Accepted Answer


Please see the following Knowledge Base Article that goes into why you are getting this message, and how to fix it. 

Unsizable Valve Encountered


The system needs to pass both sizing your laterals and your mainline in order for the runtime schedule to populate. You are correct, the Critical Analysis is an important piece but at the same time, in order to see a successful Critical Analysis you need to ensure all items are sized successfully.

Please let us know if you are successful after following the instructions in the link above.

5 years ago
Accepted Answer


Please see the following Knowledge Base Article that goes into why you are getting this message, and how to fix it. 

Unsizable Valve Encountered


The system needs to pass both sizing your laterals and your mainline in order for the runtime schedule to populate. You are correct, the Critical Analysis is an important piece but at the same time, in order to see a successful Critical Analysis you need to ensure all items are sized successfully.

Please let us know if you are successful after following the instructions in the link above.

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