Tuesday, 14 June 2016
  2 Replies
  4.2K Visits
Okay stupid question. I have 6 valves on a project. The valves are broken into two categories trees and shrubs. The trees are .25 gpm and the shrubs are 2 gph emitters. Valve one is a tree valve with a total gpm of 12 and some change. When I run the watering schedule the .25 gpm valves 7.66 in/hr and the 2 gph shrub valves indicate a rate of 1.02 in/hr. For some reason valve 1 shows a precip rate of 390.63 in/hr/. I have gone through all of the verify's and again with the watering schedule tab. When I go to the analysis of the valve in question the reading is the same. I know there would be some discrepancies at each valve but that numbers seems awfully high and throwing my water schedule off. All of the other tree valves are watering for around 18 minutes and valve one is only for 1 minute. Any guesses?
8 years ago
That definitely is a high precip! Instead of guessing what it possibly could be, please send in your drawing and project files and we can take a look.


However, if I had to throw a guess out there, I would say the coverage radii on those heads are just too small, or something in the drawing is stopping the system from fully completing the calculations on that zone.
8 years ago
User Error on the Z value after blocking plants in thanks again Jake!
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