By GeorgeARichardson on Tuesday, 20 August 2024
Posted in Planting
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I'm working in a desert climate where water is scarce - I need to allocate an approximate Liters per day consumption rate to groups of plants or mixes.

- I am hoping someone could advise me on how best to do this - as low water / med / high isn't accurate enough

I want to add a value of L/Per day to each plant so I can make a schedule for irrigation for each typology.

The idea is to be able to tune down water usage and reduce irrigation.

any advice or ideas would be very welcome. thankyou!
If you are referring to your planting plan, and how to do it there, you should be able to create a User Field with actual values of water usage, and assign to each plant. From there you could send the schedule to a spreadsheet where you could perform additional calculations to get your total water usage based on any time range you are hoping to account for.

Creating User-Defined Fields in the Plant Sizes Preferences
Additional fields

1 month ago
0 Votes
Thankyou Jake - Yes I thought there must be a way to do this - I was looking at the excel macros function - Really appreciate the response! will give it a whirl and let you know how it goes

1 month ago
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