Try to determine a best practice for determining how much water to apply in in./week for use in the "Watering Schedule". Currently we jump out of LandFX and use an Excel spreadsheet to help us determine this variable. I think what we have in place is a start but I feel that it may be missing something and needs tweaks to the formula.
The excel spreadsheet we have uses the Yearly ET which seems to be readily available. From there, it breaks down the Yearly ET into the Monthly ET and then Weekly ET. You'll see that in the Gold cell at the right.
The RED cell below that happens to be the replacement ET based on the crop coefficient for the plant material that is being used. We use this info to put into the "Watering Schedule" for LandFX.
The green cell below that is used for the "Runtime Schedule" variable in LandFX and is basically the the weekly ET divided by the numbers of days to be watered each week.
This gives us a general idea of what the runtimes should be put at. Just wondering if anyone does this differently.