Delete Font (Delete Text Styles)
Saved a Text Style into the system and don't need it anymore? Or did you save one of your styles incorrectly? Use our Delete Font tool to delete any of your Text Styles from the Text Manager.
Your Land F/X installation includes a default list of Text Styles. If you try running Delete Font on any of these defaults, they will remain in the list and won't be deleted. Only Text Styles you've added to the default list will be available for deletion.
Delete Font Overview
To delete a font from your CAD installation, open the Delete Font tool:
F/X Site ribbon, Delete Font button
Type DELETEFONT in the Command line
F/X Site menu, Delete Font option
Select a font or Text Style to delete, then click OK.
You might see a message that a font you're trying to delete is referenced by existing Text Styles. If you're sure you want to delete the font, click Yes to delete it.
Be careful – if you delete a font that is referenced by Text Styles, you may be making unwanted changes to your existing drawings.
The font or Text Style will be deleted from the system.