Missing Detail Number(s) in Model Space
You've been either placing details in Model Space or updating details that are in Model Space, and noticed that the DETAIL-FILE numbers in the bottom right corner of the details are not updating when you save.
We've identified issues with attribute definitions disappearing when the tags of detail file attributes are changed or edited. This issue has additionally affected the ability to copy or move details to new locations.
As a result, we had to make some changes to alter the code to change the prompt of the attribute definition, instead of the tag, which removes the visual indicator of the detail's saved location.
All the same detail functionality is still there, such as being able to edit a detail and click the detail file attribute.
Place details on Paper Space sheets rather than in Model Space. Furthermore, use our Detail Explorer to see which details are saved in a project.
We're currently working on a large detail update that will further advance the functionality and practicality of details in our system.