Detail Callouts Tools
Quick video
Detail Callouts are graphic symbols that indicate the detail number and sheet number of a particular detail location. This callout type can be one of two variations: a "dumb" callout called a Placeholder Callout, or a "smart" callout called a Detail Callout. You can use these callouts within details, or in Paper Space to call out details.
The Detail Callouts
Our Detail Callouts tools are available in the following locations:

F/X Details ribbon

F/X Details menu
Detail Callout Leader Types & Graphic Options
The two types of detail callouts, Callout Placeholder and Detail Callout, use the same leader options – the graphic callout options for displaying the callout.
When you first place a callout, you'll see the Detail Callout dialog box, where you can select the leader type and graphic options you want to use.

1. Section Cut Leader: You define the detail cut area at the start of your leader.
2. Arrow Leader: Places an arrow at the start of the leader.
3. Define Circle Leader: Leader relates to a circle you draw to define the detail reference.
4. Define Shape Leader: Leader relates to any shape you draw to define the detail reference.
5. Section Flag Leader: Leader draws a section flag to define the detail cut.
6. Double Section Flag: Detail reference where you define location and direction of two detail callouts with flags.
7. & 8. No Leader: Detail callout with no leader.
10. Options to:
- Include Detail Title: Check this box to include the title of the detail and/ or the title next to the detail callout.
- Include RefNote: If you've associated the detail with a Reference Note (RefNote), check this box to include the RefNote number next to the detail callout.
Selecting and changing leader types and graphic options
When you select one of the leader options, that leader option will be set as the "active" option and the system will assume you want to use that option many times over. When placing a callout, you'll see an Option prompt in the Command line. At that point, you can right-click, press the spacebar, or press Enter to change the leader type. The Detail Callout dialog box (pictured above) will open, and you can select a new leader type.
Quick video
Naked Callouts
A "naked" detail callout (the lower right option in the Detail Callouts dialog box) is a callout without a leader, arrow, or circle block surrounding it.
Naked callouts are placed as multiline text (MText). If you need to, you can slide a naked callout right over a schedule and it will line up perfectly, reducing the editing time between variations. You can set the text style for the MText to our Schedule Text style to match if you want.

The naked callout style places the detail reference as an AutoCAD Field object inside an MText object.
Our Update Detail Callouts tool will update this object automatically while also creating all variables for Field objects.
These Field objects are copyable, so you can place a Naked callout style, copy the field just like regular text, and paste it into another MText object. Using this method, you can embed a detail callout inside a longer note, or group multiple detail callouts together to call out a single item in your plan or schedule.
We've added a background mask to the Naked callout style, which allows the callout to be visible even when placed on a hatch or colored object.

Example MText properties of a naked callout

Examples of placed naked callouts
If you know the detail references you want in, for example, a large Mtext object, you can just go to the Insert field manually and click on Lisp Variables. You'll see the detail references at the top of the list as !det:xxxxxxxxx (where xxxxxxxx is the detail number. You can insert such Field objects into MText manually.
Whether you insert a field manually in this way, or even copy one from a naked callout into a piece of MText, you may need to use the Regen command to get changes to show up after running the Update Detail Callouts tool.

Keep in mind:
- Our Update Detail Callouts tool creates all the variables and fires automatically as necessary when opening a Land F/X drawing, but it won’t fire if they are only inside manually created objects such as Mtext and MLeaders where the field was copied or added via manually the Insert Field method.
- You are free to use the LISP Variables of the FIELD command as necessary.
- Remember that the Regen command might be necessary – but keep in mind that every plot automatically does a Regen by definition.
Placeholder Callouts
A Placeholder callout marks the future location of where you want to place a detail callout. You can use the Associate tool to turn a Placeholder into a "smart" callout later.
Open the Placeholder tool:

F/X Details ribbon, Placeholder button
Type FX_InsertPlaceholder in the Command line

F/X Details menu, Placeholder option
You can then insert the Placeholder in a location where you know you'll need a callout later. For easy identification, Placeholders have a different graphic appearance from the callouts that eventually replace them. Here's an example:

Placeholder callout

Detail callout of the same style
When you're ready to turn a Placeholder into a callout that refers to a specific detail, use the Associate tool and select the Placeholder. The Placeholder will turn into a callout referencing the detail you select.
Associate Detail Callouts
Once you've placed a Placeholder, you can assign it to a specific detail using the Associate tool.
Open the Associate Callout tool:

F/X Details ribbon, Associate button
type FX_DetailCalloutAssociate in the Command line

F/X Details menu, Associate option
You'll be prompted to select a callout to associate.
The Detail Manager will open, and you can select a detail to associate to the placeholder, turing it into a callout for that detail.
Detail Callouts
Detail Callouts are "smart" callouts that require a specific detail associated with them before you place the callout.
Open the Detail Callout tool:

F/X Details ribbon, Callout button
type FX_InsertDetailCallout in the Command line

F/X Details menu, Detail Callout option
Selecting the Insert Detail Callout tool will first take you to the Detail Manager for your project. From there, you'll select a detail you've already added, or plan to add, to your project.
You'll then select a graphic leader type for your callout, and then insert that leader and the Detail Callout.
The image to the right shows an example detail callout.

Detail Callouts are graphically different from Callout Placeholders in that they consist of solid lines of a different color. If you add the referenced detail to the project but have yet to place it in your drawing, the Detail Callout will be blank. As soon as you place the detail in your drawing, this callout will be filled in with the detail number and sheet number.
Callout Previews
Our Callout Preview tool provides you with an easy way to see which detail a callout is referring to.
Open the Callout Preview tool:

F/X Details ribbon, Callout Preview button

F/X Details menu, Callout Preview option
Then select a Detail Callout.
You'll now see a preview of the detail the selected callout is referring to, as in the example to the left.
Placing Detail Callouts within a Detail
Details can contain Detail Callouts that refer to other details saved elsewhere. We recommend using the Callout Placeholder (a "dumb" callout) for this purpose. Once you've saved the detail containing the callout, you can edit the original detail (that is, the detail the callout refers to). You can also associate the other completed details with the Callout Placeholders, making those callouts "smart" with specific details associated with them.
These references to other details are "intelligent objects." When add a detail to your project that references other details, the other details will be added to your project automatically as soon as you place the first detail into your drawing set. When you go to your Detail Manager after you've placed the first detail, you'll see the other details added to your project. You can now place the other details when ready.
Placing a detail callout(s) within a detail is a good way to organize a complex set of detail references. You might have a complex detail with many other detail references within it – such as a trellis or building element – and make those references to any sort of detail saved within the Detail System. These details might be "standard" details, or details you have created for another project. The Detail System will automatically add them to your project as soon as you place the first detail into the drawing set.
Editing Details, Land F/X Projects, and Detail Callouts
If a detail has been added to a project and you edit that detail, the opened detail file will auto-assign itself to that project so it's using the correct Preference Set and showing the correct callout locations.
If a detail has been added to multiple projects, the project that auto-assigns itself will always be the one whose project number comes first alphabetically. You can change the project while editing if you want, but that change won’t save to the detail. However, you don’t need to worry about using the correct project assigned and showing correct callout locations because the callouts will change for each project what's open when they're actually placed.
Related Webinars
- Details for Beginners: Take a full tour of our detail system, where you’ll learn how to navigate our detail library, find the details you need, and use them in your drawing set. (1 hr 1 min)
- Design F/X Setup: Join us for a complete demonstration on how our software helps you manage and use construction details. We’ll provide an overview of our entire system, including detail annotation and callouts. (53 min)
- Getting Started with the Detail Tools: We'll show you the basic tools you need to familiarize yourself with on the F/X Details ribbon, including annotation tools and smart callouts. (58 min)
- Detail Tips And Tricks: Learn some advanced techniques and best practices to create details that communicate your design intent clearly, including how to call out other details within a detail or from another sheet or drawing. (59 min)
- Browse our details webinars.
Issue: Your detail callout text is not showing up (but your callouts are)
Issue: You've already placed a detail callout or placeholder, and you want to change the callout style
Issue: Your detail callouts are empty