Place Drip Emitters
Quick video
- Placing Individual Emitters
- Changing the Symbols for Drip Emitters in Your Projects and Drawings
- Related Webinars
- Placing Drip Areas
- Troubleshooting
Individual drip bubblers, single outlet emitters, multi-outlet emitters, and drip popups are placed with an individual symbol for each emitter. You can place these emitters within a planting area that requires drip tubing and emitters – for example, when you want the trees to receive drip bubblers but all other plants are receiving drip emitters. You can also place emitters at individual plants and hard pipe them with PVC below-grade pipe to a drip remote control valve.
You'll use the Drip Emitter tool to place bubblers, popups, and multi-outlet emitters.
The default install does not include all symbols, but many of them will download on demand. If you go to place a head, the symbol should download as necessary. You can also have the system download all irrigation symbols from the Check for Updates feature if you'd like.
Place Drip Emitters: Overview
Individual drip emitters can be placed one at a time. You can place them either:
- Within a drip emitter area, where they will be connected with the drip tubing serving the emitters, or
- Individually to be hard piped with PVC underground piping.
The following instructions for placing drip emitters also apply for placing drip bubblers, drip popups, and drip multi-outlet emitters.
Open the Place Head/Emitter tool:

F/X Irrigation ribbon, Emitter flyout

F/X Irrigation menu, Emitter option
or type FX_PlaceDripEmitter in the Command line

The Select Emitter dialog box will open, and you'll see a list of all driplines you've added to your project.
Select an emitter, then click Place.
If you used the Irrigation Manager to place your dripline, you'll skip this step.
You can now place the emitter, bubbler, popup, or multi-outlet emitter in your drawing. Click each location where you want to place this emitter.
You shouldn't have to place plants directly into your irrigation plan. The most common cause of the Emitter feature not working is incorrect assignment of the emitters.
Drip Bubblers
Here's an example of a typical drip bubbler on PVC riser to below-grade PVC piping.

Drip Popups

The image to the left shows a typical drip popup connected with distribution tubing to the drip tubing system.
Select a nozzle for the drip popup. You'll then see a target showing the size of the nozzle radius.

Place the drip popups as needed.
The drip popups are designed to work in conjunction with drip emitters.
You can also place drip popups outside a drip emitter area, where you can pipe them individually using our piping tools.
Drip Multi-Outlet Emitters
Here are a few typical multi-outlet drip emitter installation options:

Quick video
Placing Tree Rings
Tree rings are added as custom drip emitters. For more information, see our documentation on adding tree rings to a project.

Once you've added a tree ring, select it in the Irrigation Manager and click Place to place it in your drawing.
Place the tree rings around each of the trees where you want them.

Placing Drip Areas
Drip areas allow you to assign drip irrigation to an entire planting area without the need to place individual emitters. We offer a few types of drip areas:
Area for Drip Emitters
Applicable for emitters, bubblers, popups, and multi-outlet emitters, an Area for Drip Emitters is intended for entire planted areas where each plant will receive drip emitters or bubblers. When installed, these areas will consist of above-grade 1/2-inch poly drip tubing with single-outlet emitters to each plant, either directly connected to the drip tubing or attached to the tubing with 1/4-inch distribution tubing to drip stakes.
For instructions, see our Place Area for Drip Emitters or Drip Spray documentation.
Area for Drip Spray
Areas for Drip Spray apply to planted areas that will receive virtual head-to-head coverage of drip spray. These areas consist of above-grade 1/2-inch poly drip tubing with spray outlet emitters directly on the tubing or attached to the tubing with 1/4-inch distribution tubing to drip stakes.
For instructions, see our Place Area for Drip Emitters or Drip Spray documentation.
Area for Dripline
An area for dripline is intended for a planting area that will receive a grid pattern of either above- or below-grade dripline, which consists of poly pipe tubing with emitters built into the pipe at various intervals by the manufacturer.
For instructions, see our Place Area for Dripline documentation.
Placing Individual Emitters Within a Custom Drip Area
You can also place individual emitters within a drip area, which will prevent the need to pipe to each emitter.
If you opt for this method, you'll need to select Custom from the list of manufacturers when adding the drip area to your project.
For instructions, see our Drip Emitter Areas documentation.

Changing the Symbols for Drip Emitters in Your Projects and Drawings
If you've already added a particular emitter to your project – even if you've already placed it in a drawing – you may want to change its symbol to another one of our default symbols, or a version you've created. See our documentation on changing symbols for bubblers and drip emitters.
Related Webinars
- Irrigation for Beginners: We'll show how to navigate through the Irrigation ribbon and build a familiarity with our conceptual-level tools. You'll also learn the basics of adding equipment to a project, placing, piping, sizing, and scheduling. (1 hr 45 min)
- Designing with Drip: Learn to use drip irrigation, from placing drip rings, bubblers, single emitters, emitters by area, and dripline by area all the way to zoning and piping. (1 hr 3 min)
- Drip Irrigation: We’ll go through the entire process – from placing drip rings, bubblers, single emitters, emitters by area, and dripline by area to zoning and piping. (1 hr 5 min)
- Irrigation Tools – What You Need to Know: We'll show you the ins and outs of basic irrigation setup using our software, including how to add drip, sprays, and rotors to a project. (1 hr 6 min)
- Drip Irrigation Selection: Shelly Walker of GPH Irrigation goes over some applications that will help make your projects as efficient and environmentally responsible as possible. (50 min)
- How The Manufacturer Connection Works: The Manufacturer Connection is the relationship between the designer and manufacturer that Land F/X has used to separate ourselves from other design software programs. Learn how it helps you spec equipment for irrigation designs. (53 min)
Issue: Converting plant symbols to bubbler symbols for irrigation plan
Question: After you select a piece of drip equipment, you don't see any options for selecting a symbol.
Issue: A drip area isn't reading plants in the Xref
Issue: Polyline selected has arc segments – it must consist of only line segments
Issue: Error accessing equipment data in the project
Issue: Drip components in separate areas are connecting or sizing automatically
Issue: Area for Drip Emitters is showing 0 GPM (or 0 flow)
Issue: Work Areas are not recognizing or calculating an Area for Drip Emitters or Area for Dripline hatch
Issue: Your drip hatches are not showing up in Paper Space
Issue: You are unable to pipe or connect to an Area for Drip Emitters
Issue: High flow (GPM) calculated in your drip valves
Issue: Error: File ... .dwg Was Created by an Incompatible Version of AutoCAD when placing drip equipment
Issue: Error: "Unhandled exception in dcl-slideview-load ARX" when placing drip equipment
Issue: You saw a Missing File Error when attempting to place drip emitters