Mac With Parallels: Scaling Issues
You're running CAD on a Mac computer with the Parallels program, and you are having issues with the scale of some important items such as the Command line and the Properties panel. Here are a couple of examples:

CAD Command line

CAD Properties panel
This scaling issue is a specific casualty of the screen resolution Mac Retina display.
Open the Mac App Store, and purchase an app called ResolutionTab.

ResolutionTab will add a menu to your Mac interface. Open that menu, and toggle from 1440 x 900 HiDPI to 720 x 450.

Now start up Parallels (or if you already have Parallels started, reboot Windows).
Then open CAD.
Finally, go back to the ResolutionTab menu and switch the resolution back to 1440x900 HiDPI.

Your scale issues should now be resolved.