Plant Color Board (Bloom Schedules)
- Bloom Schedule Overview
- Schedule Destination
- Entire Palette & Include Xrefs
- Editing or Regenerating Existing Bloom Schedules
- Applying the Current Schedule Settings as the Default
- Work Areas
- Make the Bloom Schedule Narrower, or Change the Column Widths
- Schedule Text in Uppercase (or Upper and Lowercase)
- Related Webinars
- Troubleshooting
You can use our Bloom Schedule tool to create a Gantt chart style schedule of all trees, shrubs, Shrub Areas, groundcovers and plant mixes you've placed in a drawing or added to a project. The resulting schedule will display the bloom color information from our master plant database, including primary and accent colors, and season of bloom.
Bloom Schedule Overview
Open our Bloom Schedule tool:

F/X Planting ribbon, Bloom Schedule flyout
type FX_BLOOMSCHEDULE in the Command line

F/X Planting menu, Bloom Schedule option
The Bloom Schedule dialog box will open.
The Bloom Schedule dialog box allows you to customize several settings for your Bloom Schedule.

1. Destination: Select where to place the Bloom Schedule – in the Drawing, in the drawing as a Table, or in a Spreadsheet.
2. Options to:
- Include the Entire Palette in the schedule
- Include plants from your external references (Xrefs) in the schedule
3. Options for choosing how your plants will display in the Bloom Schedule.
- Photo: Include a you've assigned to each of your plants using our Photo Callout tool
- Your assigned plant Symbol
- Your assigned plant Code
4. Use this menu to control whether each plant will be listed by its botanical or common name, or both, in the schedule.
Here is an example of a Bloom Schedule:

Schedule Destination
The options in the Destination area determine the location where you want to place your Bloom Schedule.
- Table: Place the schedule in your drawing as a table.
- Gridlines non-plot: Check this option if you want the lines separating the table cells to be non-plot. Uncheck this option if you want the table lines to plot.
- Spreadsheet: Export the schedule to a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel.

Sending a Schedule to a Spreadsheet
Exporting a schedule to a spreadsheet using a program such as MS Excel gives you an infinite number of options in formatting and enhancing that schedule. In a spreadsheet, you can easily make edits, add specific calculations, create new information columns, and make the schedule available to a client or contractor who doesn't have AutoCAD.
Quick video
Creating a Macro for a Schedule in MS Excel
A macro is a recorded set of actions that can be applied automatically to a spreadsheet with the click of a button. You can create your own macro in Excel to include custom columns, carry out automatic calculations on preset columns, and much more. For example, you might need to calculate the percentage of the plant total occupied by each plant in a project. With a macro, you can carry out these calculations instantly. See our article on creating a macro in MS Excel for a schedule.
Entire Palette & Include Xrefs
Entire Palette: Check this box to include the entire palette of plants you have selected for the project in the Bloom Schedule, whether you have used the plants or not.
Use this option to review the plant palette early in a project, which will help you determine what you need to add or delete.

Include Xrefs: If your drawing has an external reference (Xref) attachment that includes plants, check this box to include those plants in the schedule.
Editing or Regenerating Existing Bloom Schedules
If you open the Bloom Schedule tool in a drawing that already includes one or more existing Bloom Schedules, you'll see the Schedule dialog box, which includes the following buttons:
1. Regen: Regenerate an existing schedule after making changes in your drawing.
2. Edit: Edit the settings of an existing schedule. Clicking this button opens the Bloom Schedule dialog box, allowing you to reconfigure a selected schedule. Any changes you make to the schedule settings at this point will apply to the selected schedule in your drawing when you click OK.
3. New: Create a new Bloom Schedule.

Applying the Current Schedule Settings as the Default (Coming Soon)
Schedule Text in Uppercase (or Upper and Lowercase)
You can control whether the text in any of your schedules appears in all uppercase, or in upper and lowercase, from the General Preferences. For instructions, see our Schedule Text in Uppercase Knowledge Base article.
This setting will apply to all schedules you place in your drawings, including:
- Bloom Schedule
- Irrigation Schedule
- Details Schedule
Site schedules such as:
- Reference Notes (RefNotes) Schedule
- Lighting Schedule
- Concept Schedule
- Zoning Schedule
- Site Development Schedule
- Grading Schedule
Related Webinars
- Ask Us Anything! Spotlight on Plant Schedules Join us for the first "Ask Us Anything," which focused on Plant Schedules, including the massive 2023 update that overhauled the Plant Schedule dialog box and opened new possibilities for your Plant Schedules. (1 hr 7 min)
- Plant Schedules: Land F/X provides a wide range of options for configuring a Plant Schedule for your landscape design. We’ll show you how to organize your columns and include or omit elements such as plant symbols, codes, cost estimates, spacing, and plants from your Xrefs. Join us to explore these choices and pick up valuable insights for crafting your ideal schedule. (1 hr 5 min)
Issue: My Bloom Schedule is too long. How can I break it up?
Issue: Text in the Bloom Schedule columns is overlapping
Issue: Error: Not all plants in the drawing match the project data
Issue: Error: Non-Planar Entity
Issue: You are unable to send your Bloom Schedule to an Excel spreadsheet
Issue: The Bloom Schedule is not recognizing or calculating objects in an Xref
Issue: Work Areas are not recognizing or calculating a Shrub Area or groundcover hatch
Issue: The screen flashes several times when you place a Bloom Schedule in Paper Space
Issue: Text boxes are displaying in your drawing where your Bloom Schedule text should be
Issue: Your Bloom Schedule is listing plants that are not in your drawing
Issue: You saw an "Unable to read plant list" message when trying to run a schedule
Issue: CAD freezes or lags after you place a Bloom Schedule
Issue: Your schedule header is showing up in the Arial font (and you don't want it to)
Issue: Automation Error. Description was not provided message, when attempting to run a Bloom Schedule