Customize Plant Labels: Planting F/X for Revit® Plugin
You can now choose between several default label styles with our Planting F/X Plugin for Revit. This feature is under development as we perfect more of the default label styles our users have come to love in our AutoCAD plugin.
Planting F/X Revit Tags feature Adobe's Graphite TTF font, available in CAD exclusively for Land F/X users. You can open the label file folder and edit a family to change this font.
Select any tag text, then edit the type in the Properties panel.
In Type Properties, change the Text Font.
You can choose from any TrueType (TTF) font installed on your computer – including all the exclusive TTF fonts installed with the Planting F/X plugin for Revit, including such as Artichoke and architxt.ttf.
Edit the information displayed by selecting any tag text and clicking Edit in the Properties panel for the label.
In the Edit Label dialog box, click the New button to add any LAFX shared parameter, and make sure to specify your own Sample Value.
Save the family, and load it back into your project without overwriting parameters.
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