Line Graphics
- Accessing the Line Graphics Tools
- Scallop Line
- Cloud Line
- Random Pointy Line
- Random Cloud Line
- Spline
- Poly Arc Line
- Custom Line
- Troubleshooting
You may often find yourself needing to create an edge for planted areas represented in your drawings, such as ground cover hatch. We offer several default linetypes to help you accomplish this goal.
We've developed various graphic linetypes to augment those offered by AutoCAD. These lines may offer better LTScale output and more flexibility than the standard AutoCAD linetypes. Further, you can use them to define borders for shrub areas or ground covers, as all linetypes all create standard polylines.
We also offer a Railing tool, which places linear graphics in your drawing that represent various types of walls, fences, and, yes, railings. For more information, see our Railing page.
Accessing the Line Graphics Tools
Our Line Graphics tools are available as:

A series of flyouts on the F/X Site ribbon

A series of flyouts on the F/X Site menu
A series of Command line commands (see individual line sections below).
Scallop Line
Open the Scallop Line tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Scallop Line flyout

F/X Site menu, Scallop Line flyout
or type FX_ScallopLine in the Command line
The Scallop Line tool is possibly the most useful of the linetypes for drawing vegetation edge lines. If you click a series of points in a counterclockwise direction, the scallop edge will be "puffy," but subtler than a standard cloud line.
Select Scallop Line, then click a series of points in a counterclockwise direction.

Press either the C key to "close" the line, or the Enter key (or simply right-click) to end the function. The scallop lines are inserted points drawn between the points where you clicked. As the Scallop Line is a polyline, it's easy to apply a hatch pattern to the infill area.
If you click a series of points in a clockwise direction, the scallop edge will be “pointy.”
Here's an example of a Scallop Line with a series of points in a clockwise direction:

The line will appear as "pointy."
Cloud Line
Open the Cloud Line tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Cloud Line flyout

F/X Site menu, Cloud Line flyout
or type FX_CloudLine in the Command line
After selectin Cloud Line, click a series of points. You can then either:
- Type C key to "close" the line, or
- Press Enter or right-click to end the function
A Cloud Line is a traditional half circle arc for revision cloud definition lines or vegetation lines.

The AutoCAD Express Tools Revision Cloud is an excellent method to automatically install a series of arcs as you move the crosshairs around the drawing. Our Cloud Line differs in that it requires you to click manually for each arc location. This added feature provides you with more control of the graphical environment.
Random Pointy Line
Open the Random Pointy Line tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Random Pointy Line flyout

F/X Site menu, Random Pointy Line flyout
or type RandomArcLine in the Command line
The Random Pointy Line tool uses an algorithm to create a random, hand-drawn look, as in the example to the right. This provides a more artistic casual line edge for some vegetation types.

Random Cloud Line
Open the Random Cloud Line tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Random Cloud Line flyout

F/X Site menu, Random Cloud Line flyout
or type RandomCloudLine in the Command line
Here's an example of a Random Cloud Line:

If you draw a Random Cloud Line using a clockwise motion, it will come in as a reverse cloud line. If you draw it using a counterclockwise motion, it will come in as a cloud line.
Random Cloud Line allows you to draw a clouded line without having to select each individual point. This tool is similar to the AutoCAD Revision Cloud in appearance but is generally easier to control.
Open the Spline tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Spline flyout

F/X Site menu, Spline flyout
or type DrawSpline in the Command line
You can start drawing a Spline, or press S and then Enter to select an existing closed polyline.
The example to the right shows the process of drawing a Spline.

When finished drawing the Spline, press Enter. Any sharp corners will become curved, as pictured to the left.
The Spline tool facilitates drawing splines – a type AutoCAD drawing tool that Autodesk defines "a smooth curve that passes through or near a set of fit points, or that is defined by the vertices in a control frame." Unfortunately, splines can cause file bloat and slow performance because of their numerous segments. Our Spline tool creates a line that resembles a spline but lacks the myriad segment components. Splines are often used for the boundary edges for groundcovers or Shrub Areas.
Poly Arc Line
Open the Poly Arc Line tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Poly Arc Line flyout

F/X Site menu, Poly Arc Line flyout
or type PolyArc in the Command line
The Poly Arc Line tool is a convenient way of creating a polyline that consists of a series of arcs. This tool can prove especially useful in creating meandering mow strips or header boards, or meandering walks or walls.
When you select the Poly Arc Line tool, the Command line will prompt you to Specify start point. Click where you want the Poly Arc to begin.
The Command line will then prompt: Arc second point/ [done]. Click to select the second point.
The Command line will then prompt you to Specify end point of arc. Click to place the end of the arc.
Continue entering as many arcs as you wish. When finished, press the Enter key or right-click to end the function.
After creating a Poly Arc, select the line to locate all arc end points and midpoints. Adjust the smoothness of the polyline by selecting each grab box and moving them as necessary.

Poly Arc Line tool creating a polyline consisting of a series of arcs.
Notice the bounding line to the crosshairs to assist in determining the last point entered.

The resulting polyline
Several linetypes have distinct graphic identifiers. As dots and dashes have exhausted their originality, standards have embraced one or more characters. Thus, a line containing a W is known as a waterline. SS typically denotes a Sanitary Sewer. At some point, lines containing an X became fence lines, then O for chainlink fences. However, some designers prefer the even more clear WATER and SEWER, for example.
As you may know, AutoCAD's interface for linetypes is somewhat cumbersome. Our Custom Line tool offers a quick and easy way to draw these types of lines by simply clicking a button.
First, create a layer in AutoCAD that is dedicated to the type of line you will be drawing using the Custom Lines tool (example: L-WATER, L-SEWER, etc.).
Open the Custom Line tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Custom Line flyout

F/X Site menu, Custom Line flyout
or type FX_CustomLine in the Command line
A dialog box will open and prompt you to enter a New Value for a custom line. Note that the current layer will now display at the top of the dialog box. When you select and place a custom line, it will be applied to the current layer.
Type a value (the text that will appear within the linetype) for your custom line and click OK. The dialog ox will close, and that value will be added to the available linetypes. We'll add WATER as an example value.

You can continue to add your custom linetypes one at a time by opening the Custom Lines tool. The Appearance column in the dialog box will preview what each of your custom linetypes will look like when placed in a drawing.
When you're ready to draw a line or polyline using one of your custom linetypes, select a linetype and click OK.
The dialog box will close, and the linetype you selected will be set for the current layer. You're now free to draw your custom line using an AutoCAD command such as PLINE, LINE, POLYGON, etc.
For example, you can open the POLYLINE command by typing PLINE in the Command line and pressing Enter. Then draw a polyline as normal.
The Custom Lines tool will apply the linetype you selected to the line you've just drawn.
Here's an example of a custom line drawn with the hypothetical linetype YOU SHALL NOT PASS:

Just after placing a Custom Line, you'll have several Command line keyboard options for configuring that line.
For example, you can type U in the Command line and press Enter. The action of placing the line will be undone, and the line will be deleted as a result.
Of course, no designer in their right mind would create a plan with a line marked You Shall Not Pass.
In case you create a linetype you wish you hadn't, it's easy to delete custom linetypes. Just go to the folder LandFX\Linetypes and delete any files with the same names of linetypes you want to delete.
Feel free to delete any linetype files that start with LINE. If a linetype filename starts with anything other than LINE, do not delete that file!
Our Custom Line tool uses the settings you've configured for the CALLOUT TEXT Text Style, which also controls the settings for the text used in your detail callouts and Reference Notes callouts. You're free to change the font and point size of this Text Style, but keep in mind that your detail and Refnote callouts will also be affected.
Issue: Custom Line text is not scaling correctly, or is off center