Mimic Object (Formerly Known as Match Properties) & Clone Object (Formerly Known as Match Block) – Site
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- Mimic Object (Formerly known as Match Properties)
- Clone Object (Formerly known as Match Object)
- Incompatibility with the Stipple Hatch Pattern
With the Mimic Object and Clone Object tools available on the F/X Site ribbon, you can copy blocks and hatches (including callouts), then place duplicates wherever you need them.
Mimic Object (Formerly known as Match Properties)
Mimic Object allows you to select a block or hatch and apply all of its data to another block or hatch in your drawing. See our Mimic Object documentation for more information.

F/X Site ribbon, Mimic Object flyout

F/X Planting ribbon, Mimic Plant flyout

F/X Site menu, Mimic Object option

Plant Label toolbar
or type FX_SiteMimicObject in the Command line
Clone Object (Formerly known as Match Object)
Clone Object is a reiteration of our Clone Plant tool integrated into our site tools. With Clone Object, you can select a smart or generic block, callout, or hatch you've placed in your drawing (including Reference Notes) and quickly place copies of it – including all attached data. See our Clone Object documentation for more information.

F/X Site ribbon, Clone Object flyout
Type FX_SiteCloneObject in the Command line

F/X Site menu, Clone Object option
Incompatibility With the Stipple Hatch Pattern
Our Stipple hatch pattern for groundcovers is incompatible with our Clone Object and Mimic Object tools because each stipple hatch is actually a series of several hatches at different scales. If you plan to use one of these tools on a hatch, use a pattern other than Stipple.