SketchUp: Projects Tool
- Projects Tool Overview
- Starting a New Land F/X Project
- Exporting a Land F/X Project from CAD
- Opening an Existing Land F/X Project in SketchUp
- Related Videos
- Troubleshooting
The Projects tool allows you to access a list of your Land F/X projects created in SketchUp or CAD.
Before importing an Land F/X project from CAD into SketchUp, you'll need to export it from CAD. For more information, see Exporting a Land F/X Project from CAD below.
The units you set in your SketchUp model will also need to match the units you've set in the associated Land F/X project and CAD drawing. For information on matching your units between CAD and SketchUp, see our Setting the Units in SketchUp documentation.
Projects Tool Overview
Open the Land F/X Projects tool:

LandFX toolbar, Projects button

Land-FX menu, Projects option
The Land F/X Projects dialog box will open.

1. List of all Land F/X projects you've created in SketchUp, or imported from CAD into SketchUp.
2. Open an existing Land F/X project. More information
3. Create a New Land F/X project. More information
4. Restore one of your Land F/X projects from a backup.
5. Create a Backup a Land F/X project.
6. Delete a Land F/X project.
Starting a New Land F/X Project
Click the New button in the Land F/X Projects dialog box.

The New Project dialog box will open. Enter a unique Project Number and Project Name.
Your project number must be a unique number within your saved projects. This may apply to your entire firm, depending on where your firm's files are saved.
Click OK. You've now created a new Land F/X project and can begin designing in SketchUp using our Planting F/X Plugin for SketchUp.
Exporting a Land F/X Project from CAD
Before importing the data from a design created in CAD with a Land F/X project into a SketchUp model, you'll need to export your design from CAD to SketchUp.
Open the CAD drawing associated with the project you want to export into SketchUp.

In our example, we'll export the data from this CAD drawing, along with the associated Land F/X project, into SketchUp. This will include not only the database containing plants and other items we have added to the project, but also the data reflecting the placement of those items in the drawing. Once we've exported these items from CAD, we can then import components from the drawing and the associated project into a SketchUp model.
Still in CAD, open our 3D Connection tool:

F/X Planting ribbon, 3D Connection flyout

Planting toolbar

F/X Planting menu, 3D Connection option

Plant Render toolbar
or type SketchUpExport in the Command line
The 3D Connection dialog box will open.
Click the Export Design button to export the plant data from this drawing and the associated Land F/X project into SketchUp.

You'll now see a message that your design has been exported into SketchUp.
Click OK to close this dialog box.
The plants and other items you've added to the Land F/X project associated with this drawing have been exported into SketchUp. The data reflecting the placement of the plants and other items has also been exported. You're now ready to import all this data into your SketchUp model.
Opening an Existing Land F/X Project in SketchUp
Access the Projects tool as described above.
The Land F/X Projects dialog box will open. Here, you'll see a list of all projects you've created in CAD or SketchUp.
To open an existing project, click the project name in the list to select it.

Once you click the project name, the project will open and you can begin designing in SketchUp using our Planting F/X Plugin.
Related Videos
Issue: You have an academic SketchUp license and are unable to locate your Land F/X project in SketchUp
Issue: The Planting F/X Plugin for SketchUp freezes or becomes unresponsive
Issue: Clicking one of the Land F/X tool buttons in SketchUp does nothing
SketchUp: Basic troubleshooting (adding, placing, importing plants)