SketchUp Plant or Site Amenity Component Not Lining Up with CAD Block
You imported your drawing into SketchUp, and one (or more) of your tree, shrub, or site amenity blocks is not lining up with the CAD block.
The insertion point is not aligning on either the SketchUp component or CAD block.
To resolve this issue, you'll need to confirm the locations of the source block insertion points – both from the CAD block and the corresponding SketchUp component. Letting us know about this issue will allow us to look into our source files to ensure they're set up correctly. If the issue is in fact related to our source blocks, you can complete the steps below to correct the version you have.
Confirm and correct the insertion points
1. In your CAD drawing, check the CAD block insertion point by selecting the block that's coming in incorrectly.
Verify that the insertion point (blue dot) is in the center of the block, as pictured to the right. If it is, skip to Step 3.
If the blue dot is not in the center of the block, move on to Step 2.
2. If the CAD block insertion point is out from center, you'll need to edit that source block from within the folder LandFX/graphics and fix the insertion point accordingly.
You can do so by ensuring the source block is centered at 0,0 in the source block drawing.
3. In SketchUp, click the problematic component.
Expand the Entity Info pane on the right side of your screen, and take note of the Definition (example: TX-Z-Con-09).
4. Navigate to your Land F/X SketchUp library location and locate the source component, using the Definition you noted in Step 3 as a guide.
In our example, the component definition is TC-Z-09, where TC = Tree/Conifer. In this case, we'd navigate to the Tree/Conifer folder and then look for TC-Z-09.
5. Open the component and ensure the contents are placed onto the origin point, where the red, green, and blue lines intersect.
In the example to the right, the insertion point is off to the side.
6. If necessary, move the origin point to the center of the component.
7. Save the component and close SketchUp.
Test your changes
1. Delete and purge the tree component from your SketchUp model.
2. Close SketchUp.
3. Open your Land F/X SketchUp library location, and delete the component file. (In our example, we'd delete the file TC-Z-Con-09 from the location Trees\Conifer.)
4. In CAD, assign this SketchUp component one more time and Export your design using the SketchUp Connection tool.
5. In SketchUp, import your design. Your component(s) should come in correctly.