How to Request a Land F/X Wishlist Item
We love to receive your requests for the Land F/X Wishlist!

We've built our company, and our software itself, on giving our users the solutions they need for adapting CAD to their design needs. In fact, the majority of the Land F/X tools you use every day came about because a client asked us, "What about creating a tool that allows me to do ... ." These types of requests become a part of our Wishlist. It's a great way for us to continue make our software better.
Keep in mind that we receive a large number of Wishlist requests, which we vet carefully to ensure they're viable functions to include in the software. If approved, a Wishlist item will be made available to all Land F/X users as an update once we've developed it.
Here are our suggestions for how to catapult your request to the top of the list:
Be as detailed as possible.
Want a new tool? What exactly do you want it to do? How exactly do you want it to work? Where would you like to see it in our ribbons or dialog boxes? What exactly do you want to be able to click, and what options do you want to see when you click it?
Giving us all the details of your wishlist item will help our development team build your idea to the specs you actually want.
Provide a mock-up.
Are you looking for more customization options? A new dialog box? Use your design skills and give us a visual aid of exactly what you're looking for, and how you'd like it to look.
Send your request in a ticket.
Our tech support ticket system is designed to ensure that we give our clients what they need, and Wishlist items are no exception. If you send us your idea in a technical support ticket, we'll see it right away and can get to work figuring out how to make it a reality.
Went even more insight into how we prioritize wishlist items and how you can give yourself the best chance of having your ideas implemented? Check out our Wishlist Discussion webinar.