How to Stay Informed on New Land F/X Features and Improvements
You're wondering how to find out about new features as they come out (or are about to).
Here are the best ways to stay informed of new features and other changes to the software:
• Subscribe to our newsletter.
We often announce new features in our email newsletter. Make sure your whole team is signed up to the newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter.
• Attend webinars, or watch the recorded versions.
We often shout out bigger changes in our live webinars on Friday mornings. Make a point to attend webinars when you can, or watch the latest webinar recording on our website. See our Webinars page to find out about the latest webinars and register for upcoming presentations.
• Stay up on our Power Tips.
When a new feature or set of features comes out, we also try to make corresponding Power Tips when possible. You can see the latest Power Tip and browse through our vast collection of past videos on our Power Tips page.
• Follow our Land F/X Update History.
We build all new features into our frequent Land F/X updates. See our Land F/X Update Version History page for the latest updates and newest features.
You can also see the latest update notes in the Land F/X Portal.
• Take part in beta testing when available.
We'll sometimes ask Land F/X users to help us test the beta versions of upcoming features. For example, we made last year's big Reference Note (RefNote) Schedule upgrade available to some users in beta version prior to releasing the changes in an update. We also pinned a related post to the top of our community forum several months beforehand looking for feedback.
• Check our homepage
Finally, we often feature big changes in the banner at the top of our homepage.
If you have another idea for communicating the roadmap, we'll gladly take it into consideration! We're great at getting fixes and improvements out quickly instead of sitting on them for longer. Feel free to reach out to us in a technical support ticket with your ideas.