Unable to Click on Keyboard Command in Command Line
You attempted to click on a keyboard command in the Command line built into a Land F/X tool. When you attempt to click on the command to select it, the tool closes.
For example, you may have selected the Label by Group command to label plants. When you select this tool, the Command line prompts you to:
Select sample plant in group, label to modify, [Ground covers].
You may have tried to click within the shaded area surrounding the "Ground covers" command, thinking it will act like a button and allow you to select that command.
However, when you click it, you simply exit the tool you selected (in this case, Label by Group).
Land F/X is written entirely in a CAD programming language called AutoLISP. As such, the software has certain trade-offs. We benefit from the ability to have a single stable code base for every version of AutoCAD. One of the negatives, however, is that prompting for user input can be limited at times – as in this case.
The issue described above, which occurs with tools such as Label by Group, is one of those limitations. We are able to display the available keyboard commands, but clicking them in the command line will end the command.
Keyboard commands are meant to be just that – keyboard commands. Rather than trying to click on the command like a button, you'll need to type the appropriate character to run the command. In the case described above, you'd type G to label groundcovers.