Fatal Error: Install.xml Missing / Functionality Locked: F/X Server Installation Missing XML
You saw one of the following error messages:
- Fatal Error: Install.xml missing, or
- Functionality locked: F/X Server installation missing XML (pictured to the right – possibly in addition to an F/X CAD cannot function without Land F/X installed message)

This error can occur if:
- A file named _install_.xml in your LandFX folder is either missing or empty, or
- Your Land F/X installation simply cannot see the LandFX folder at all.
Seeing a red X next to the mapped letter drive for your Land F/X installation?
If you access your Land F/X installation via a mapped letter drive, open the Windows File Explorer and check for a red X next to the drive, which indicates that Windows sees the mapped letter drive as disconnected. This issue can have a number of possible causes, but Land F/X will likely not function properly until Windows sees the drive as connected.

To address the issue, verify that your mapped letter drive is connected and working properly. You can try restarting your computer and then clicking on the drive. This step may reconnect the drive if the issue that caused it to disconnect has been resolved.
If you don't access Land F/X via a mapped letter drive, or if you're still seeing the error after reconnecting your mapped letter drive, move on to the steps to repair the _install_.xml file below.
Important: Before completing the following steps, ensure that your file extensions are visible. You'll only be able to complete these steps if your file extensions are visible.
1. In your LandFX folder, change the name of the file _install_.xml to _installold_.xml
2. Make a copy of the file _install_.xml.bak, and save that copy to a location where you can find it later. You can use that copy to address this issue in case you see the same error again in the future.
3. Change the name of the file _install_.xml.bak file in your LandFX folder to _install_.xml

4. Restart CAD. You should no longer get the error.