Server & Workstation Definitions
Because Land F/X software is set up to run in multiple environments, every Land F/X installation includes two different setups: the Server and the Workstation.
The Land F/X Server: Your files will reside on a central server or shared online folder
If you are setting up an office where you will be sharing DWG files between users, you will need to choose one computer to be the server, or use a shared online folder.
• The "server" does NOT have to be a dedicated file server in the traditional sense. It can simply be your computer.
• Your Land F/X server can also act as a workstation if you have a CAD platform set up on it.
• If you use a shared online folder, you won't need to designate one computer as the "Land F/X Server." The shared online folder will serve that purpose.
The Land F/X Workstation: Will pull the files from the server to use
All the other computers will be set up as workstations and will have the Land F/X Workstation set up on them. They will then pull the files from the Land F/X Server to use.
When creating a single-user installation for a single computer, like a laptop for use at home, or an office with only one computer, you would set the computer up as BOTH a Server AND Workstation. In this way, the computer becomes both the place that files are stored AND a workstation.