Check Out a Land F/X License
You need to check out a license of Design F/X, Planting F/X, or Irrigation F/X.
The License Manager is available from the Land F/X General Preferences screen in CAD. Open the General Preferences:

F/X Admin ribbon, General button

Several toolbars (F/X Admin toolbar pictured)

F/X Admin pull-down menu
or type *FXPreferences in the Command line
In the General Preferences screen, click the Licenses button to open the License Manager.

In the top right corner of the License Manager screen, you'll see the total number of Design F/X, Planting F/X, and Irrigation F/X licenses that are currently installed in your office.

To check out an unassigned license, click the plus (+) sign in the current installation line beneath the plugin you need to use. In this example, we'll check out an Irrigation F/X license. Because the office in the example has 1 unassigned Irrigation F/X license, it's possible to simply check that license out.
Clicking the plus (+) sign increases the number of checked-out Irrigation F/X licenses from 0 to 1 in the current installation, meaning this computer now has 1 Irrigation F/X license checked out.

Note also that the number of unassigned Irrigation F/X licenses goes from 1 to 0 now that we've checked out the only unassigned license.
Each of the three types of licenses (Design F/X, Planting F/X, and Irrigation F/X) allows you to use a specific range of components of our software. Which type of license you should have checked out on your computer will depend on your role in your office. If you're unsure of which type of license you should be using, ask your supervisor or system administrator.
If you don't see any unassigned licenses for the plugin you need to use, you'll need to have another user check a license in before you can check it out. In this example, the user needs to use a license of Design F/X, but the office in the example doesn't have any unassigned Design F/X licenses. The user would need to have another user check in a license of Design F/X in this case.

As an alternative, note that the office does have 1 unassigned license of both Planting F/X and Irrigation F/X. In this case, the user could check out one of those licenses, since both of those plugins include all the functionality of Design F/X. However, checking out one of those licenses would also mean that other users who need to check out one of those plugins will then be unable to do so. The best way to deal with this situation would be to communicate with your co-workers and find out who needs the irrigation tools, who only needs the planting tools, and who can get away with only using the details and admin tools (Design F/X).