Unable to Move or Dock Ribbons, Windows, or Palettes
You are unable to move or dock one, some, or all of the following items:
- Ribbons
- Windows
- Palettes
When docked properly, the Land F/X and ACAD ribbons will be fixed in place at the top of your CAD interface as in the image below.
For some reason, you are not able to move or dock the ribbons.
You might see a panel in the place of the ribbons, as shown to the right.
When you try to move the ribbon panel, you might see a red "No" sign, and the panel won't budge.
You might also be having the same issue when trying to move palettes such as the Properties palette or Layer Properties Manager.
A system variable called LOCKUI (Lock User Interface) is most likely set to the wrong value.
Type LOCKUI in the Command line, and press Enter.
You'll be prompted to Enter new value for LOCKUI.
Type 0 and press Enter to unlock all ribbons, palettes, and windows. You should now be able to drag the ribbon panel to the top of your CAD interface, where it will dock properly. You should also be able to move windows and palettes.
You can also choose to enter any of the following values:
- 1 (Lock all docked ribbons, windows, and palettes in place)
- 2 (Lock all docked or anchored windows in place)
- 8 (Lock all floating windows in place)