Revert to a Legacy Version of the Land F/X Ribbons
You want to go back to previous editions of Land F/X menus. For example, you may prefer the older versions of our ribbons.
Step 1: Download and install the Legacy Menus tool.
Our Legacy Menus tool will download and install the Land F/X legacy menus from either 2018 or 2019.
1A. Close CAD.
The Legacy Menus tool will not function correctly if CAD is open.
1B. Download the Land F/X legacy menus tools for the generation of your choice, using one of the links below. To download the tool, right-click the link, select Save as or Save target as from the menu, and save the file to a location where you can easily locate it, such as your desktop or Downloads folder.
1C. Locate and double-click the 2019LegacyMenus or 2018LegacyMenus file, which you just downloaded (2018 Legacy Menus file pictured as an example).

1D. You may be asked whether you want to allow this app to make changes to your device. Click Yes to proceed and revert to the legacy Land F/X menus.
The Legacy Menus tool will install the legacy version of the Land F/X menus you downloaded, and you can move on to Step 2.
Step 2: Verify the Support File Search Paths for your legacy Land F/X menus.
The Support File Search Path allows the software to load your menus from the correct location, which in turn allows you to access the ribbons. You may have been loading your menus from an incorrect location. This step will ensure that your menus are loading from the correct location to revert to the legacy ribbon.
2A. Type OP in the Command line and press Enter.
2B. The Options dialog box will open.
1. Select the Files tab. (In most cases, the Support File Search Path will be the top entry in the list of files.)
2. Expand the Support File Search Path by clicking the plus (+) sign to the left.

2C. The Support File Search Path will expand, and you’ll be able to see all folders it currently includes.
Verify that you see the following entry in the Support File Search Path: C:\program files\landfx\_menus_\(your year version)*
* where (your year version) is the year version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD you have installed on your computer – example: 2018 if you have AutoCAD or F/X CAD 2018.
If you see any other entries that are pointing to a _menus_ folder in a different location, delete those entries by selecting them and clicking Remove.
2D. If you don't see the following items in the Support File Search Path, add them:
- (Your Letter Drive)\LandFX
- (Your Letter Drive)\LandFX\Fonts
- (Your Letter Drive)\LandFX\Slides
- (Your Letter Drive)\LandFX\Patterns
*If you have a Single-User installation, "Your Letter Drive" will be your computer's C: drive.
**If you are in an office with a Multi-User installation, Your Letter Drive" will be the letter drive your office currently has mapped to your LandFX folder (for example, L:, X:, etc.).
You can add each of these paths by clicking Add and then Browse (as pictured to the right), then browsing to the appropriate path.
Click OK when finished.

2E. Restart CAD, and check for updates. Make sure you're on the latest update.
2F. Open a blank drawing, and make sure you can access and use our tools. Are you able to access and use the Land F/X ribbons and tools?
- Yes: You've successfully accessed our ribbons.
- No: Move on to Step 3.
Step 3: Load the Land F/X menus.
Now that you've told the software where to look for the correct menus, this step will load the correct version of the Land F/X menus into the software, allowing you to see your ribbons.
3A. Type MENULOAD in the AutoCAD Command line and press Enter.
3B. Click Browse in the Load/Unload Customizations dialog box.
Navigate to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\LandFX\_menus_

3C. Within the _menus_ folder, open the subfolder that matches your version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD. (For example, if you have AutoCAD or F/X CAD 2019, open the 2019 folder.)
Select the file landfx (or landfx.cuix) from within that folder.
Then click Open.
3D. Back in the Load/Unload Customizations dialog box, click Load.
You should now see LANDFX in the Loaded Customization Groups list.
Your Land F/X menus should be loaded, and your ribbons and tools should be accessible.

Don't see the ribbons? Follow our steps to switch from Classic Mode to the ribbons.
Want to go back to the old look with the toolbars and pull-down menus but no ribbons? Follow our steps to switch back to Classic mode.
Step 4 (if necessary): Enable the ribbons.
Don't see the ribbons? Type LANDFXRIBBON in the AutoCAD Command line and press Enter. You should now see the legacy version of the ribbons you downloaded (F/X Planting ribbon tab shown as an example.)

If you need to turn the ribbon off, type RIBBONCLOSE in the AutoCAD Command line and press Enter.
Possible issues and errors when loading the menus: