Exception in vl.crx ARX Command. Unhandled Exception (Opening AutoCAD or F/X CAD, or Opening a Drawing)
You received the following error when either launching AutoCAD or F/X CAD or opening a drawing file:
Exception in vl.crx ARX command. Unhandled Exception

You may have also seen one or both of the following errors after clicking Accept in the original error message:
- Exception in vl.crx ARX command: Unhandled Exception c0000005 (Access Violation Reading 0x0060) at address...
- AutoCAD: This version of AutoCAD was not installed properly and some features may not run correctly.You should reinstall AutoCAD immediately to make sure all features are working properly. Do you wish to continue anyway?
A Windows 10 Region setting in Windows 10 is preventing AutoCAD or F/X CAD from working properly.

1. Open the Windows Start menu and type Region in the search box.
Select the Region settings option at the top of the menu.
2. In the Region window, click Additional date, time, & regional settings.

3. In the Clock and Region window, click Region.

4. In the Region dialog box, select the Administrative tab.
Click Change system locale ... .
5. In the Region Settings dialog box, uncheck the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support option.
Click OK.

6. Restart you computer and open AutoCAD or F/X CAD.
You should now be able to use CAD without seeing the error.