Error: 'Bad Xsubr(L) Instruction (Offs Code) ... '
You received an error similar to the following when using our software, possibly when managing sheets in the Sheet Index:
Error: 'bad xsubr(L) instruction (offs code) 51137 0'
Note that the numbers at the end of the error message can vary.

This error can also result in other errors such as:
- Exception in DCL-FORM-SHOW ARX Command - Unhandled Exception at c000000005 (Access violation reading 0x0010) at address 5cc5a0616h
- Exception in VEVAL-STR + ARX Command - Unhandled Exception e06d7363 (e06d7363h) at address abfda799h

This error is the result of corruption in your drawing.
To resolve this error, follow our steps to clean your drawing and Xrefs.
Still getting the error after cleaning your drawing and Xrefs? If so, follow our steps to reinstall OpenDCL manually.
For more information about drawing corruption, see the following articles: