The AutoCAD Command Line or Command History is Blank
The CAD Command line is blank. You might not see any text in the command history area or the Command line itself, or both.

Blank command history area

Blank command history area and active prompt text
Here's an example of the Command line as it should appear, with the command history appearing in the area above the current command text.

We've seen this issue when the command text and background have been accidentally assigned the same color in the Options dialog box.
1. Open the Options dialog box:

Manage ribbon, Options button
type Options in the Command line
right-click in the Command line and select Options from the menu

Tools pull-down menu
2. In the Options dialog box, select the Display tab and click the Colors button.
In the Drawing Window Colors dialog box, select the Command line option in the Context area.

Check the Preview area at the bottom of the dialog box. Regardless of the colors used, the text should be visible on the background for both the command history (pictured with a gray background and black text in the example above) and the active prompt text (pictured with a white background and black text in the example above).

3. If you don't see text in one or both of the areas in the preview, the text and background are set to the same color for that area, and you'll need to change either the background or text color by selecting it in the Interface element menu and configuring it using the options to the right.
The example to the left shows no text in the command history background, indicating that the Command history background and Command history text settings are currently assigned the same color – in this case, the same shade of gray.
To correct the issue in this example, we'd select either the Command history background or Command history text option and then use the Color menu to assign that element a different color.
After making any necessary changes, click Apply & Close to close the dialog box and save the changes.
When the background and text are set to different colors for each Command line area, the Command line will appear correctly with visible text.