Unable to Save Drawing File
The Save command is not working.
You might have tried typing Save or SaveAs in the Command line, as well as attempting to select the Save or Save As option from the File menu, but were unable to access the Save Drawing As dialog box.
In some cases, you might receive a request to save your file in one of several possible AutoCAD versions, but still no Save Drawing As dialog box.
The FILEDIA system variable is likely set to 0, which results in the Save prompt only being available in the Command line, rather than a dialog box.
FILEDIA should only be an issue when the Land F/X menu is not loaded. Once it loads, our startup will confirm that it is set to 1.
Type FILEDIA in the Command line and press Enter. When prompted to Enter a new value for FILEDIA, type 1 and press Enter. You should now be able to save normally.