Dashed Lines Appearing as Solid Lines
Your drawing has several lines that are supposed to be dashed. While you may be able to see them as dashed in Paper Space, the lines are appearing as solid in Model Space.
Here's an example of a drawing with several dashed lines that are appearing erroneously as solid lines in Model Space.

In most cases, your issue will be related to linetype scale (LTSCALE) as it relates to Paper Space linetype scale (PSLTSCALE).
However, you may have your measurement units mistakenly set to Metric when your drawing is meant to be in Imperial units (or vice versa), which can also affect the appearance of dashed lines. If this is the case, you'll need to reload your linetypes as described below.
Step 1: Check Your PSLTSCALE and LTSCALE
Your first step should be to troubleshoot your drawing for issues with LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with these important settings on a general level. For more information, including the solution to most cases of dashed lines appearing as solid, see our Linetype Scale (LTSCALE) article.
Are your dashed lines still displaying as solid? If do, move on to the next step.
Step 2 (if necessary): Set your measurement units correctly and reload your linetypes
If fixing your LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE (as described on the linked article above) does not correct your issue, your next step is to set your measurement units correctly and then load your linetypes to configure them correctly.
2A. Type Measurement in the Command line and press Enter. Check the value that displays in the Command line. The possible values are:
- 0 (for Imperial units)
- 1 (for Metric units)
2B. Enter a value that matches the measurement units that are currently set for your Land F/X project and your drawing. For example, if you have your measurement units set to Imperial, type 0 and press Enter.
2C. Now that you have your measurement units set correctly, follow our steps to reload all linetypes in your drawing.

2D. Type Purge in the Command line and press Enter.
In the Purge dialog box, expand the Linetypes entry and select all listed linetypes. (You can select multiple items by clicking while holding down the Shift key.)
Ensure that the Confirm each item to be purged option is unchecked (unless you want to confirm each and every unused linetype as you purge it).
Then click Purge.
The unused linetypes will be purged from your drawing.
Still having the issue where your dashed lines are displaying as solid? If so, move on to the next step.
Step 3 (if necessary): Enable the Linetype generation setting in Properties
Type PROP in the Command line and press Enter to open the Properties panel.
In the Properties panel, verify that the Linetype generation setting is enabled.
In the example pictured below, the linetype scale (LTSCALE) properties and units are set correctly, but the Linetype generation setting is disabled, causing the endpoints to be too close together.

Set the Linetype generation menu to Enabled.

In our example, enabling the Linetype generation setting caused the lines to appear correctly as dashed.