Your Network Drives Keep Disconnecting When You Reboot
Your network drives are disconnecting automatically each time you reboot your computer.
The following steps will reconnect your network drives automatically at startup.
Open your Start menu. Type RegEdit in the Start Search box, then press Enter.

Locate and right-click the following registry subkey:
Right-click in the blank space below the existing values, and select New from the menu that opens.
Then select DWORD Value.
A new value will appear.
Type EnableLinkedConnections in the Name field for the new value, then press Enter.

Right-click the new value, now named EnableLinkedConnections, then select Modify from the menu that opens.
The Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value dialog box will open. Type 1 in the Value data box, then click OK.

Close the Registry Editor, and restart the computer. The network drive should now reconnect automatically each time you start the computer.